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Barrett Ersek
CEO, Holganix
The 4th Annual Bionutritional Summit, held on October 21 in Louisville, KY is in the history books. This event, developed to bring the lawn care industry together for a day of learning and networking, was an overwhelming success. The video shows how we brought our core values to life, and why attendees were “again, walking away with their wheels turning”.
Holganix Core Values: More Than Just a Banner on the Wall
Couldn't make it to this year's Bionutritional Summit? Want an encore of Holganix CEO, Barrett Ersek's Keynote based on his Harvard Business Review-published article: “The X Factor: Breaking Your Industry’s Bottlenecks” or Professor Shaun Kanary's presentation on inbound marketing to learn how Shaun spent HALF the marketing dollars and gained almost DOUBLE the customers using inbound marketing instead of direct mail?   Click the Read More button for the links!
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Get Your Learn On! Sustainably Grow Your Company Through Our Webinars

At Holganix, we seriously love our core value: Sustainable Growth. Sustainable Growth doesn't just entail the sustainable growth of plants or of Holganix, but includes our users and partners! That's why we are so excited about our marketing webinar series which is tailored specifically to help our lawn care partners grow their businesses and realize their potential.

Check out our fall and winter webinar series which are designed to help you market bionutrition to homeowners. Or, prepare for 2016 and attend our webinar on building your marketing plan to achieve your 2016 sales goal.

Click the Read More button below to register.

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core values service industry
Core Values Reduced Employee Turnover and Increased Gross Margin!

For John Ratliff, CEO and Founder of Appletree Answers, accepting 110% employee turnover (which was WAY better than the 300% average in the call center industry) wasn't acceptable. To reduce turnover, Ratliff focused on his core values and incorporated a strategy dubbed Dream On which granted employees their dreams. Four years later, Ratliff reduced turnover from 110% in 2008 to 30% in 2012, which ultimately reduced customer attrition and nearly doubled gross margin.

How can you win over your employees, customers and partners through the implementation of core values? Click the Read More button below to hear Ratliff's full story. 

core values
core values
What are your core values?

Did you implement core values and as a result, grow your business or overcome an obstacle? We want to hear all about it! Click the button below and tell us your story. We'll include it in our social media efforts and blog.