Getting into the science of turf aeration

The Science Behind Holganix

Getting into the science of aeration

lawn aeration 

What is aeration? Aeration is a mechanical process where holes are punched into the soil, allowing water, nutrients and oxygen to penetrate. It effectively breaks up compaction and thatch while increasing the biological activity in your soil. For Holganix users, aeration in combination with Holganix is the best possible thing you can do for your lawn. The biological activity associated with aeration is further enhanced with the addition of Holganix, promoting increased thatch and compaction breakdown. By using Holganix you’re also adding nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which converts nitrogen from the atmosphere into a useable form for the plant.

The optimal time to aerate is when the lawn is rapidly growing, making the fall the perfect time. Penetrations should be about .5 - .75 inches in diameter, 2 – 3 inch deep and 2 – 3 inches apart. 



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Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Aug 14, 2014 10:51:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, golf course

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