The Science Behind Holganix: Why Biological Meta-Catalysts Rock!

The Science Behind Holganix

Entry five: Why Biological Meta-Catalysts Rock!

organic lawn care, holganix, compost tea, bio stimulant, biological meta-catalysts 

Lately in the lawn care world, the words bio-stimulant and meta-catalyst have been frequently tossed around. Traditionally, the industry has relied on tried-and-true chemical fertilizers to give customers green lawns, but now experts and lawn gurus have been talking up a storm about new technologies that help traditional inputs work more effectively. But what are these things and how do they have anything to do with giving your customers great results?

Biological meta-catalysts, a.k.a. bio-stimulants, are soil amendments or additives that introduce and promote more efficient use of nutrients by plants. They are used in a plant fertility program to significantly reduce the amount of supplemental nutrients needed to produce optimal color, root development and health. They also contribute to a more robust ecosystem in and around soil and plants, adding to the overall plant health and often reducing the amounts of pesticides needed to obtain great suppression of weeds, insects and disease (because healthy, vigorous plants can more easily resist pathogens and insects and compete with weeds).

What does this mean for you? It means that by building healthy, vigorous plants you are using less chemical fertilizers, herbicides, holganix, compost tea, organic fertilizer, organic lawn care, compost tea, biological meta-catalyst, bio stimulantfungicides and insecticides to obtain optimum results. It also means using fewer nitrates, phosphates and other chemicals released into the environment. Best of all, using meta-catalysts can save you money… especially when it comes to the chemical fertilizer costs of today.

One example of a biological meta-catalyst product is Holganix. Holganix contains many key ingredients for achieving the best plant health and growth possible. To the left is a photograph of grass roots. The photo features grass roots prior the use of Holganix (left) and after Holganix treatment (right). That's quite a difference in root mass!

For more information on biological meta-catalysts, check out our website page or our University Studies that prove just how effective a meta-catalyst like Holganix can be!

Posted by Nicole Wise on Mar 6, 2012 5:33:00 PM

Nicole Wise

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