Marketing Hints and Tips: Pumpkin Plan Your Business!

Marketing Hints and Tips

Entry 16: The Pumpkin Plan

A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in Any Field

Picture this: You are a small business owner, running around like a chicken with its head cut off to make ends meet. You wear all the hats from marketing, to sales, to boss and no matter how hard you work and no matter how many of your kids’ soccer games you miss, your business is just stuck in a rut. Your revenues won’t go up and when they do, your profits somehow fall simultaneously. Now be honest, does this sound anything like you?

Mike Michalowicz, author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, has just released his newest book entitled The Pumpkin Plan. Its mission is to help you escape the entrepreneur trap described above. Pause what you are doing and listen up because we are about to dive into the key point Mike talks about.

The first thing Mike suggests we busy entrepreneurs do is this: Kill Off Your Clients! Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it? Take a look at a list of your clients right now and assess which clients are rotten pumpkins and which are winners. The rotten pumpkins are the ones whose names, when mentioned, give you a headache and despite your love/hate relationship, you take time out of your day (or your employees’) and service them anyway. Fire them right away. “Rotten pumpkins stunt the growth of healthy ones,” says Mike. They are taking time away from your top clients, clients you need to nurture in order to gain other clients just like them.

After evaluating your clients, firing your bad customers and picking out your winners, it’s time to make them your number one priority. Give them your attention, and wowify them with your outstanding service (think golden street neighborhoods)! Figure out what makes them tick. Are your top customers athletic fields, schools or homeowners? Then do a 360 focus on creating services that cater to their special needs.

This was just a taste of some of the tips Mike has to offer in The Pumpkin Plan. If you want to learn more, visit his website or pick up his book and learn how to Pumpkin Plan your business and escape the entrepreneurial trap!


Works Cited

The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz: http://pumpkinplan.com/

Posted by Nicole Wise on Jul 19, 2012 6:31:00 PM

Nicole Wise

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