NEW: Seven Summer Webinars Launched


Are you ready to learn something new? We just launched seven new webinar workshops, debuting over the summer, across multiple industries. Each workshop is approximately 35-45 minutes long and is designed to provide bite-sized, yet tangible take-home action items. 

Check out our list of webinar workshops and click the link to learn more about a particular upcoming webinar. 

  1. HGX PRO Blue Sky 21-0-0: Science and Results 
  2. Turf Fertilizer Costs High? Increasing Fertilizer Efficiency with Holganix 
  3. Let's Talk Turf: Interview with Joey Franco of Daniel Island Club
  4. Building Your Fall Lawn Care Program 
  5. Digging into Crop Residue Breakdown: The Role of Soil Microbes 
  6. Grow Your Lawn Care Company: The Fall Lawn Care Marketing Plan
  7. The Role of Microbes in Crop Residue & Soil Health Management 

HGX PRO Blue Sky 21-0-0: Science and Results 

blue sky 21-0-0

Host: Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy 

When: June 7 at 2:00 Eastern 

Looking for a safe summer fertilizer that provides a steady greening throughout the season? 

HGX PRO Blue Sky 21-0-0 is pumped with 60% slow-release nitrogen and 40% urea to enhance growth and color for extended results throughout the season. It also contains microbe food sources and nutrient enhancers. 

In this webinar, Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, provides an overview of HGX PRO Blue Sky 21-0-0 including: 

  • An overview of the product benefits and ingredients 
  • Recommendations for how to use the product for lawn fertilization 
  • Pictures from the field displaying results 
  • Open Q&A



Turf Fertilizer Costs High? Increasing Fertilizer Efficiency with Holganix 

fertilizer efficiency

Host: Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy 

When: June 23 at 2:00 Eastern 

Fertilizer costs are skyrocketing! How can you increase fertilizer efficiency? How can you reduce the need for fertilizer? 

Holganix Bio 800+ has been tested in over 28 university studies showing the effects the product has on fertilizer reduction.  

In this webinar, Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, dives into the following: 

  • An overview of studies on fertilizer reductions using Holganix products 
  • The role of soil microbes in fertilizer reduction 
  • Pictures from the field displaying results 
  • Open Q&A



Let's Talk Turf: Interview with Golf Director, Joey Franco of Daniel Island Club


Hosts: Daniel Island Golf Director, Joey Franco, and Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy 

When: July 13 at 2:00 Eastern 

“HGX PRO Bio 800+ Golf just makes sense,” explains Joey Franco, Director of Agronomy at Daniel Island Club. “The soil microbes improve soil health, and with good soil health, you see turf quality improvements throughout the golf course.”  

Since using the product, Joey reports he has reduced fertilizer by 25% and irrigation by 40%, along with seeing significant root development and improved playability.  

In this webinar, Rob McCoy, Holganix National Sales Manager, interviews Joey Franco on his experience and his agronomic practices. 

What can you expect?  

  • Get an understanding of what Joey's agronomic program looks like 
  • Dig into the results Joey has seen with Holganix 
  • Review the science behind Holganix Bio 800+ Golf 
  • Open Q&A is available at the end of the webinar 



Building Your Fall Lawn Care Program 

lawn care

Host: Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy 

When: July 14 at 2:00 Eastern 

Agronomic programs fluctuate throughout the year based on weather. Regardless of Mother Nature’s whims, it’s important to strategize what your ideal agronomic program looks like to ensure a successful fall season. 

Attend our webinar to strategize on how to improve your fertilizer program in order to maximize agronomic performance without breaking the bank. 

In this webinar, we explore the following items: 

  • A step-by-step tutorial on building a program 
  • Questions to consider before building a program 
  • Soil testing 
  • Nutrients - Liquid vs organic, slow-release vs quick-release, and more 
  • Weed control 
  • Soil components - Ph Level, Cation Exchange Capacity, and more 
  • Seasonal pressures 
  • Application methods 
  • Budgeting out your program 



Digging into Crop Residue breakdown: The Role of Soil Microbes 

crop residue

In Partnership with No-Till Farmer 

Host: Holganix President of Agriculture, Dave Stark, Ph.D. 

When: July 19 at 11:00 Eastern 

Are you tired of dealing with crop residue problems? Are you looking to maximize the health of your soil?   

In this webinar, Holganix President of Agriculture, Dave Stark, Ph.D., will discuss the role of soil microbes in breaking down crop residue and building soil health.  

What can you expect? Dave will review the following:  

  • The role of soil microbes in soil health and crop residue breakdown 
  • Best practices for building soil health 
  • How soil health can lead to improving profit per acre for the farm 
  • Insights and data from university studies and Holganix studies on incorporating soil health practices 



Grow Your Lawn Care Company: The Fall Lawn Care Marketing plan 

lawn care

Hosts: National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy and Marketing Manager, Kaitlyn Ersek 

When: July 21 at 2:00 Eastern 

Are you ready to accelerate growth this fall? How can you differentiate yourself from the competition?  

If you want to grow your lawn and landscape business, you must set growth goals and track those goals! In this workshop we discuss: 

  • Building your sales plan 
  • Building your marketing campaigns 
  • You will gain access to Holganix’s library of free sales and marketing support 



The Role of Microbes in Crop Residue and Soil Health Management 

Acres USA

In partnership with Acres USA 

Host: Holganix President of Agriculture, Dave Stark, Ph.D. 

When: July 26 at 11:00 Eastern 

Are you tired of dealing with crop residue problems? Are you looking to maximize the health of your soil? 

In this webinar, Holganix President of Agriculture, Dave Stark, Ph.D., will discuss the role of soil microbes in breaking down crop residue and building soil health. 

What can you expect? Dave will review the following:  

  • The role of soil microbes in soil health, crop residue breakdown, crop performance, and nutrient efficiency 
  • Best practices for building soil health
  • How soil health can lead to improving profit per acre for the farm 
  • Insights and data from university studies and Holganix studies on incorporating soil health practices 


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on May 26, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, golf course, agriculture

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