Marketing Hints and Tips: Up Selling Current Customers

Marketing Hints and Tips

Up Selling Current Customers

The marketing race in the lawn care world is in full swing! You’re doing your best to reel in as many new customers as possible. But have you neglected the customers you already have? They can be a powerful tool for generating extra revenue this year.

According to Sandra Zoratti, author of Precision Marketing: Maximizing Revenue Through Relevance, “New customers cost about seven times more than retaining and expanding your sales to existing customers.” Have you been neglecting these low hanging fruit?  Here are some easy strategies for up selling your current customers:

  1. Always have an invoice, message or insert of some sort, offering your customers additional services that your business provides.
  2. Mail postcards to existing customers. The postcards don’t have to be big or expensive. Since they are already familiar with your company name and logo, you don’t have to be flashy to get their attention.
  3. Call your customers before a season starts for the service you want to up sell. For example, try selling flea and tick services right before the weather begins to warm up. Or perhaps give your current customers a call when trees and shrubs are most under attack by insects and disease.
  4. After you provide a service, have a company representative give that particular customer a call. State that the call is a production follow up to make sure he/she is happy with your services. It’s a great way to segue into a new sale.

Also, keep in mind that your current customers love and trust you. Tap into your customers for referrals and turn their neighbors into clients as well! It’s cheaper to tap into your referrals than cold calling, and you’ll be building density within your geographic location! 


Posted by Nicole Wise on Feb 20, 2013 2:24:00 PM

Nicole Wise

Topics: lawn care

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