How is Healthy Grow Infused With Holganix Manufactured?


Remember our blog on cooperative marketing and how it is important to choose a partner with the same vision? One reason why Holganix chose to team up with Healthy Grow is their theology in building soil. But, another big reason is their commitment to the way their products are made. Their slogan “The Way It’s Made Matters” TM is all about the value in the process. 

So, how is Healthy Grow infused with Holganix manufactured? Here’s an inside look at how our latest granular technology is produced.

1. Collect the poultry manure

Pearl Valley Eggs, the creator of Healthy Grow products, cares for 1.1 million hens that lay 800,000 to 950,000 eggs a day. Water and food consumption is recorded and everything is automated to maintain consistency. When the hens defecate, the manure is taken to a composting center. 


2. Aerobically compost the poultry manure

Healthy Grow begins by a controlled composting process utilizing egg laying poultry manure as a base. The product is turned for a period of 45 to 60 days using robotic machinery at temperatures ranging from 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit for four days. The set temperature range kills odor, weed seeds and pathogens while still preserving beneficial biology. Approximately 30 tons of compost is screened daily.


3. Add nutrients

Depending on the analysis, the product is then layered with additional nutrients. Healthy Grow Infused with Holganix 2-4-3 does not require additional nutrient inputs due to the organic nutrients present in the poultry manure. In order to boost analysis (for 10-3-2 or 7-9-5), urea and ammonia sulfate are added. Added nutrients vary from all organic to traditional nutrient sources.

healthy_Grow2.png4. Pellet Healthy Grow

35 to 40 tons of compost is pelletized daily. Pellets are screened to remove dust and maintain prill size consistency.


5. Add Holganix to the Granular Prill

Holganix is infused into the Healthy Grow prills, amplifying Health Grow’s affect on plant health. For information on how Holganix amplifies Healthy Grow, check out this blog: Meeting Healthy Grow Infused With Holganix.


6. Deliver the Product to YOU!

After that, the product is bagged and delivered to your warehouse for use!

Turf roots

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Mar 29, 2016 4:04:48 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, golf course, agriculture

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