How To: Add Tree and Shrub Applications To Your Business

Tree and Shrubs

Did you know that you could expect 10 to 30% of your current customers to sign up for tree and shrub applications? Not to mention the fact that adding an additional revenue source to current customers means boosting profit margin. It's like newfound money! 

In this blog we discuss: 


Designing Your Program 

Watch the 9-minute video below, featuring a conversation with Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, on how to design your tree and shrub program. Or skip the video and keep scrolling to read a synopsis. If you are reading this blog via email, click here for the video.


Depending on where you are located, a typical tree and shrub program will consist of 4-8 rounds of applications, spaced six weeks apart, during the growing season. Your program would consist of a combination of tools, including Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub, fungicides, insecticides, and nutrients. Let’s dig into each tool.  


Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub 

Harnesses the power of over 800 species of soil microbes to: 

  • Reduce inputs by up to 90% 
  • Build stronger plants that better tolerate environmental stresses 
  • Boost root architecture 
  • Improve the healing in process during an installation 

>>Click here to learn more about Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub



Be sure to double-check any of your local regulations, and keep in mind that certifications are often required to use any chemicals.  

Chemical pesticides might include preventative insecticides, curative insecticides, fungicides, and miticides. On the other hand, organic options include cedar oil, tea tree oil, and soil amendments, like Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub. Please keep in mind that Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub is not a pesticide, but it does build strong plants that are better able to withstand stresses caused by disease and insect pressure.  



For best results, use a balanced nutrient analysis to provide color, foliage growth, and root development. Keep in mind that fertilizer rates can be reduced with Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub. 


Pricing Out Applications 

Watch the 6-minute video below, featuring a conversation with Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, on how to price out plant health care applications. Or skip the video and keep scrolling to read a synopsis. If you are reading this blog via email, click here for the video


A tree and shrub plant health care truck should be billing $800-$1,600 in revenue per day, depending on your geography. There are four basic pricing methods to consider:

  1. Block Pricing Method - If a customer is paying between $200 and $300 per year for lawn applications, they would be charged $x for their tree and shrub applications, etc.

  2. Metric System - The second option is to provide quotes for customers based on two metrics: a truck stop/visit and a time fee (labor and material used). Each time your truck stops at a house, it costs you about $45 to $60 depending on your region. 

  3. Point System - The third option is to base pricing off a point system that coincides with the size of your customer’s trees and shrubs. Just have your technicians tally up the points to decide what price point to offer. Each price point equals a set dollar value you decide, based on current costs. Your technicians can conduct estimates while doing lawn applications or on a rainy day when applications aren’t possible. Use this chart as a pricing guide: download the chart here. 

  4. Satellite – You can also use satellite imagery by mapping the estimated coverage area and dripline of a specific property.  


How to Market Tree and Shrub Plant Health Care Applications To Current Customers 

Watch the 6-minute video below, featuring a conversation with Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, on how to market to current customers. Or skip the video and keep scrolling to read a synopsis. If you are reading this blog via email, click here for the video. 


For the best return on your investment, focus on selling to current customers by sending out special offers when they bundle their lawn fertilizer applications with tree and shrub plant health care applications. You can also bundle any of your plant installations (if you do any!) with follow-up on plant health care applications. To increase your return further, be sure to follow up any marketing message (print or digital) with telemarketing calls.  


What’s in a Jug of Holganix Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub? 

Holganix Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub is teeming with life! In a single jug of Holganix Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub, there are more than 800 species of beneficial soil microbes, microbe food, and nutrient enhancers. Unlike other plant probiotics, Holganix Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub contains a community of soil microbes that is both diverse and numerous. 

Some of the soil microbes contained in Holganix Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub include both nitrogen-fixing bacteria, plant growth-promoting bacteria, endo and ecto mycorrhizae, Trichoderma fungi, Penicillium fungi, beneficial nematodes, and protozoa. 

What's the result? Soils and plants treated with Holganix Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub are better able to flourish regardless of the problem faced. 

Download our Holganix ingredient list to learn about some of our key components. 

Download: Holganix Bio 800+ Ingredient List 

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Feb 23, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: grow your business, Tree and Shrub care, lawn care business, Holganix Bio 800, tree and shrubs

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