Update: Holganix Agriculture Trial Results

organic agriculture

This blog contains an update on university and commercial trial results on several crops from 2017 and 2018.  

What is Holganix Agriculture?
A Bio 800+ product

Holganix Agriculture promotes strong, extensive root systems, resulting in plants that are better able to find and use nutrients, minerals, and water in your soil. By nurturing healthy plants, Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture maximizes yield potential while ensuring your crop is better prepared to fight off and recover from seasonal stress.

Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture is an organic plant probiotic that provides over 800 species of beneficial soil microbes, microbe food, and nutrient enhancers to grow healthy, resilient crops. In fact, Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture contains the most complete and diverse blend of beneficial microbes available on the market!

Why use Holganix-587110-edited.jpg

Over the past four years, we have been compiling data on several different crops in different geographic zones to deepen our understanding of how Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture can help farmers maximize yields. Below is a sample from our 2017 and 2018 collection.

While we try to keep this blog up to date, for the most recent data or for a more detailed explanation, please write to David Stark, Ph.D. dstark@holganix.com


Holganix Data Video Overview

You can watch the below 8.5-minute video for an overview of our studies, or explore them more in-depth below in the text.



Increased ROI On Soybeans

Over the past several years, we have data showing a 2-to-6 bushel per acre yield increase when using Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture at a rate of 0.5 gallons per acre, at planting. Here are a few examples from our studies.


Missouri Researcher

A Missouri research farm testing the product over two years saw a 3.2 bushel per acre increase in 2017 and a 3.3 bushel per acre increase in 2018. The researcher used Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture at a rate of 0.5 gallons per acre in-furrow with their standard fertility while the check plots only used the standard fertility mix. As a note, the research farm was non-irrigated and in 2018 the farm saw severe drought.

soybean data


Increased ROI On Corn

We have several years of university and commercial data showing a yield increase of 3-to-22 bushels per acre, with typical results in the 6-to11 bushel per acre range. In most instances (in all instances so delete), The growers used our recommended 0.5 gallons per acre rate at planting. Here are a few examples from our studies.


Illinois Research Farm

In this non-irrigated field, Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture was tested in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, the grower saw an 11 bushel per acre increase while in 2017, the grower saw a 9 bushel an acre advantage. The grower used our recommended 0.5 gallon per acre rate in-furrow. 

It’s important to note that before even applying Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture, his soil was extremely healthy because the field had previously been planted with soybeans - a crop that puts nitrogen back into the soil

Corn Data 

 Missouri Research Farm

A Missouri Research Farm testing the product over two years saw a 21.1 bushel per acre increase in 2017 and a 10.4 bushel per acre increase in 2018. The researcher used Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture at a rate of 0.5 gallons per acre in-furrow with their standard fertility while the check plots only had the standard fertility mix. As a note, the research farm was non irrigated and in 2018 the farm saw minimal rain.

According to the researcher, the Holganix corn was the “best looking corn plot on the farm.”

missouri corn data


Indiana Commercial Grower Picture Demonstrating Advantages in Root Growth

holganix corn


Higher Weight Per Acre On Potatoes  

Idaho-based potato growers added Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture with their standard fertilizer rate and saw a 10-to-16% higher weight per acre allowing them to earn an extra $330-to-$440 per acre. 

Washington State University tested Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture with 20% less fertilizer and achieved a higher marketable yield than those potatoes just using the standard fertilizer rate. The higher marketable yield and decreased fertilizer use translate to an additional $200 per acre if the study were conducted at a commercial farm.

potato data


Increased Yield On Berries

$3,000 Per Acre Yield Increase On Strawberries

In Ventura County, California, a researcher used Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture on a commercial field through their drip irrigation system, applying the product each month. He achieved a $3,000 per acre higher yield in the strawberries and was able to harvest earlier than other growers. Strawberry Data

Less Disease Pressure and Sweeter Taste on Blackberries

For an organic certified grower in Indiana, he saw reduced disease pressure. That’s because Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture is focused on fortifying plant strength and building soil health resulting in reduced disease and insect pressure. “I also noticed,” says the grower, “the crops taste sweeter which makes me think that it is affecting brix index… something I know Pennsylvania farmers have also been noticing.”

>>Read more about this growers’ experience


Increase Yield On Strawberries

According to a commercial grower in Alabama, “our strawberries are just crazy. We saw a 20-to-25% increase in yield and the plants produced berries longer.”

>>Read more about this growers’ experience


Boosting Yield and Degrees Brix On Vineyards

New York-based vineyard, Alfalfa Farm Winery reports a 55% average increase in yield in their Sevyal Blanc, Leon Millot and Marechal Foch from 2013 to 2015. Ultimately, because of the increase in yield, Alfalfa was able to boost the production of their wines.

Seyval Blanc yield in pounds

Seyval Blanc Yield

Leon Millot yield in pounds 

Leon Millot

Marechal Foch yield in pounds 

Marechal Foch Yield

In addition to increasing yield, Alfalfa Farm Winery reports that the brix index has increased by an average of 26% compared to the control.

>>Read more about this growers’ experience


Less Fertilizer Needed With Hot Peppers

According to Florida-based Datil Pepper grower, Eddie Lambert, “My only problem is that I didn’t use Holganix on my whole farm because it’s the best crop I have had yet.” Eddie applied Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture through a drip irrigation system, making applications every other week with 50% less fertilizer.



Higher Payable Yield On Cucumbers

A cucumber farmer in Northern Kentucky used Holganix Agriculture on a portion of his crop, leaving the remaining crop the control. The rows treated with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture had more, large cucumbers than the control. He was also able to harvest the Holganix treated crop a week earlier when prices were higher.

Tomatoes See a 10-to-12% Yield Increase

Growers testing the product in Indiana over the course of four years show a 10-to-12% yield increase using three applications. The first application was a 1.7 gallons per acre rate, followed by a second and third application about 4 weeks apart at a 0.85 gallon per acre rate.

tomato data

>>Read more about this grower’s experience


Curbing Nematode Pressure

While research is still ongoing, preliminary results conducted in a lab setting by Dr. Lambert at the University of Illinois are promising for nematode control using an unnamed Holganix technology currently in development. After the first year of studying the product, the team saw a 75% reduction in pathogenic nematodes in the lab and an 80% reduction in the field.

“It’s complex,” explains Dr. Lambert of the Holganix technology. “There’s a lot of things going on in the jug and it is difficult to state with certainty why the Holganix technology is producing results.” However, Dr. Lambert does have three theories.

1. Affecting migration to the roots - Holganix technology appears to confuse or incapacitates the nematode so it can’t migrate to the plant and cause harm.

2. Inhibiting eggs from hatching - Holganix technology may be inhibiting soybean cyst nematode eggs from hatching.

3. Targeting pathogenic nematodes - Microbes in Holganix technology may be attacking pathogenic nematodes.

“We are taking a two-pronged approach to study the Holganix technology,” explains Dr. Lambert. “In 2016, we studied Holganix technology in a lab. This year, we are continuing lab testing but we are also studying it in the field.”

>>For additional information on our nematode research, visit this blog.


Increased Brix Index

Several farmers have also reported a higher brix (a measurement of flavor) on fruits and vegetables treated with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture. Academic research also shows that brix can lead to reduced insect pressure on plants although we have not yet conducted supporting Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture research on insect pressure to date.

See below for a chart demonstrating the increased brix on crops treated with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture as compared to their controls.  

brix index


Dig In Deeper to Soil Health: Download Our Soil Science eBook

Within the natural world, there exists a complex balance among living organisms known as the soil food web. Plants, animals, and microbes are all instruments in an orchestra; each plays a crucial part in the natural symphony of life. If even one of the players is out of tune, the whole soil food web suffers. However, when everything is in order, the results are beautiful

Download this book to explore:

1. How the soil food web supports healthy plant

2. The power behind soil microorganisms

3. Soil types and how to improve the health of your soil



Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 31, 2018 6:45:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: holganix reviews, agriculture

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