10 Dirty Secrets About Soil [SlideShare]

Soil Scientist, Charles E. Kellogg once stated, "There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together." What an incredible reminder of the important role soil plays in our lives.

In honor of soil, we've created the SlideShare, 10 Dirty Secrets About Soil

For example, did you know that there are roughly 70,000 different types of soil in the United States? Or, that one tablespoon of soil has more organisms in it than there are people on Earth?

Check out our SlideShare below to learn more. 

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10 Dirty Secrets On Soil

  1. There are 70,000 different types of soil in the U.S.
  2. One tablespoon of soil has more organisms in it than there are people on Earth
  3. 1,400,000 Earthworms can be found in an acre of cropland
  4. 15 Tons of dry soil per acre pass through one earthworm each year
  5. 10% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are stored in the soil
  6. The top six inches of an acre of top soil contains 20,000 pounds of living matter
  7. Soil acts as a filter for underground water, filtering out pollutants
  8. 0.01% of Earth's waters is held in soil
  9. Soil supports out planet's biodiversity and they host a quarter of the total
  10. At least 500 years is needed to form one inch of top soil


Why Soil Health Matters @ Holganix

At Holganix we revolutionize the way the world grows by harnessing the power of soil microbes. In fact, our flagship product Holganix Bio 800+ contains over 800 species of beneficial soil microbes, that work to build soil and plant health naturally. Our products are used by farmers to increase crop yields and by landscapers and golf courses to reduce their need for fertilizer and pesticides. It’s official, SOIL MATTERS!


What’s The Dirt On Soil Science?

Digging into Soil Science 101: Beginners Guide to Understanding the Soil Food Web eBook

We know soils are important and we know why we should be grateful for healthy soils. But, how do soils work? And, what does healthy soil look like? Dig deeper into soil science by downloading our FREE eBook by Holganix Director of Soil and Plant Science, Dr. Robert Neidermyer.

Download our eBook to explore:

1. How the soil food web supports healthy crops

2. The power behind soil microbes and what they do to build resilient crops

3. Soil types and how to improve the health of your soil


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Sep 21, 2017 2:22:30 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, golf course, agriculture

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