By Kaitlyn Ersek on Mar 30, 2017 12:00:00 PM
At Holganix, we are self-appointed soil geeks. Learning about new trends, research and theories that are happening in the field make us tick. We bet it gets you excited too! Here are our top 5 favorite articles on soil microbes (to be fair, some are videos).
Healthy Soil Microbes, Healthy People
The Atlantic Magazine reports that the microbial community in the ground is as important as the one in human guts. According to the Atlantic Magazine, “The greatest leverage point for a sustainable and healthy future for the several billion people on the planet is arguably immediately underfoot: the living soil, where we grow our food.”
Read Healthy Soil Microbes, Healthy People by Atlantic Magazine:
Microbes Help Grow Better Crops
Scientific American explores research from Virginia to Colombia that has been conducted on microbes to boost plant health and crop yield. “Microbes act as sentinels of food safety and furnish an environmentally sound alternative to massive inputs of fertilizers and pesticides,” says Scientific American.
Check out Microbes Help Grow Better Crops by Scientific America:
The Soil Biology Primer
Consider this short read the "Bible of Soil Science". Written by Dr. Elaine Ingham – the godmother of the soil food web, in partnership with the USDA, The Soil Biology Primer introduces soil health and soil biology and how it contributes to agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability.
Access The Soil Biology Primer PDF Version by Dr. Elaine Ingham:
Healthy Soil, Healthy World
If you pick up a handful of soil, you will be holding more microorganisms in your hand than the entire number of people who have ever lived on earth. Think about that for a moment. Can you imagine the quantity of living things in your grasp? The soil is FULL of life. In this TED Talk, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the soil from the microorganisms’ point of view.
Watch Healthy Soil, Healthy World from TEDx:
Modern Marvel’s: Fertilizer
While not an article, this TV series from the History Channel digs into fertilizer. From synthetic N-P-K to sewage-based solutions to vermicomposting and compost, Modern Marvels provides both an entertaining and factual documentary on fertilizer and the history of growing plants.
Hint: If you don’t have a subscription, you can stream the video online for $1.99 on Amazon.
View Modern Marvels: Fertilizer on the History Channel:
Purchase the episode on Amazon: