Holganix Case Studies: "Dam* that's a lot of roots!"

We were at the Golf Course Industry Show in Orlando, Florida. Our trade show booth was small but packed with superintendents and golf course management enthusiasts who were either using Holganix products or were interested in giving it a shot.

It was absolute chaos in the best possible way. With more and more golf courses utilizing Holganix Bio 800+ Golf and getting great results, our Holganix golf community was taking flight and it was exciting.

Gary Crowell, a visiting superintendent at our booth, strolled up to Nicole Wise (our head of marketing) and grabbed a manila folder from his backpack.

“Nicole, I have a story for you!” he said as he flipped back the manila folder to reveal several glossy prints of stunning turf roots. And he was right; Crowell did have a story for Holganix.

While New Year’s Eve is never a quiet occasion, it was especially chaotic for Crowell, superintendent of Myerlee Country Club in Fort Myers, Florida.

“That night, a couple of kids decided to take their car for a joy ride… on my golf course,” began Crowell. Crowell peeled off the damaged turf and he discovered something unusual: white succulent roots (see image 2).

“Dam*, there were a lot of roots!” exclaimed Crowell. “Typically, our turf doesn’t have good root establishment and the roots are far and few between.” Furthermore, it was January, when root growth isn’t at its best, and after a summer that brought in tons of rain.

The best part is that much of the damaged turf healed-in properly and didn’t need to be re-sprigged.

injured turfCrowell believes in simple agronomics. He had experimented with microbial products over the past 20 years and was familiar with the science behind Holganix Bio 800+ Golf. However, previous products required that you mix several separate components (primarily food sources or nonliving biology), whereas Holganix is an all-in-one solution that contains over 800 species of living microorganisms, microbe food, nutrient enhancers and micronutrients.

Holganix is a probiotic solution to turf care revolved around nurturing the soil ecosystem, ultimately allowing Mother Nature back to plant care. Crowell believes in getting back to the basics of biology and the soil. “After all, Mother Nature is here for a reason, why not let the plant do what it does best?”

Crowell started utilizing Holganix Blue Sky and Holganix Golf product in tandem with a slow-release nitrogen source and a few other “odds and ends.” He applied Blue Sky every 3 weeks and Holganix Golf every month over a period of six months.

At the end of the day, says Crowell, “I represent a low-budget golf course. If my course can get these kinds of results, so can yours.” 


Posted by Nicole Wise on Mar 13, 2014 11:09:00 AM

Nicole Wise

Topics: sports turf, holganix reviews, golf course

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