Improving Fertilizer Efficiency and Soil Health at Hedgerow Farms


Located in California’s Sacramento Valley, Hedgerow Farms specializes in producing high-quality seed of origin-known, wildland collected, California native grasses, forbs, sedges, and rushes. “We offer single species or custom seed mixes, plug transplants, and native grass straw, explains farm manager, Jeff Quiter. “Our seed and plants are used in wildlife habitat restoration projects, agricultural regeneration projects, for erosion control, and urban and rural landscaping.” 

In an effort towards sustainability, Hedgerow has been using Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture since 2017 to improve crop and soil health. According to Jeff, “Our soil seems to be improving thanks to a combination of practices that includes the use of Bio 800+. Plus, we’ve been happy with yields and have been able to reduce our starter fertilizer by about 15%.”  

In our interview with Jeff, we explore the following topics numbered below. Click the link to skip to the topic of your choosing or continue scrolling to read the full interview:

  1. What does your program look like? 
  2. What results have you seen with Holganix Bio 800+
  3. How does Holganix Bio 800+ work?

What does your program look like? 

We apply Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture in the fall at 1 gallon per acre, banded into the soil where each row of seed will be planted. We also apply liquid fertilizer with an analysis of 8-24-16. Thanks to the Bio 800+, along with other soil health practices we incorporate, we have reduced our use of fertilizer by about 15%.   

What results have you seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture? 

We nicknamed Holganix “Pizza” because one of our crew members thinks the product smells like pizza sauce. When we look out at our fields, we joke that “the Pizza is working”!  

Our soil seems to be improving. The improvement is credited to Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture, plus a combination of other soil health practices such as less hay bailing, less burning, and leaving more organic matter in the fields. We’ve also been able to reduce our use of starter fertilizer by about 15%. Overall, we’ve been impressed with all the fields that have received an application of Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture.  

In addition to using Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture in the fields, we also used it on our demonstration garden. We applied Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture to about 200 plants that were having trouble because of compaction. They took off right away. Overall, Holganix has made me into a believer!  

How does Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture work? 

Bio 800 Breakdown Progressive Farmer (1)

Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture harnesses the power of over 800 species of soil microbes to increase nutrient uptake and availability, improve root growth, and increase crop yield. At Holganix, we believe that by charging soils with diverse microbes, we help our farmers improve the health of their soils, investing in the legacy of their farm for future generations. 

Plus, farmers using Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture see a yield improvement in just one season!  

  • Maximize uptake of nutrients, minerals, and water 
  • Develop soil health 
  • Increase yield
  • Faster establishment 
  • Boost roots; contributing to soil organic matter 
  • Improve plant resilience against stress from tillage, weather, fungicide, and other stressors

Dig Into The Data: University And Commercial Grower Trials 

The health and vitality of your crops and soil are of the utmost importance to us. That’s why we put Holganix Bio 800+ to the test. Over the years, we have compiled data on several different crops, in different geographic zones, to deepen our understanding of how Holganix Bio 800+ products help farmers maximize yields, reduce fertilizer, break down crop debris, and build soil health.


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Sep 5, 2024 8:15:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: holganix reviews, agriculture

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