Concord Country Club: Rooting and Renovation with Holganix

Holganix case study

Located in beautiful Brandywine Valley, Pennsylvania, Concord Country Club is a family and golf-oriented club that boasts a William Flynn-designed 18-hole golf course. Golf Superintendent, Greg D’Antonio, has been nurturing the course at Concord over the past 10 years. 

In 2016, Greg started using HGX PRO Bio 800+ Golf and HGX PRO Blue Sky 21-0-0 on his course after searching for a way to shorten his recovery time after renovation work. Over the past four years, Greg reports he’s seen swifter rooting when sodding or seeding, fertilizer reductions, more consistent foliage growth, and reduced environmental pressures from weather and disease. 

In this case study, we’ll be exploring the following topics as it relates to the Concord Country Club. Click the link to skip to the topic of your choosing! 

  1. Which products does Greg use and at what rates?
  2. What results has Greg seen with Holganix products?
  3. Concord Country Club stats
  4. What is Greg’s background as a superintendent?
  5. How can you learn more about using Holganix products on your course or sports field?


Which Holganix products do you use?

“We use a combination of the Bio 800+ Golf and the Blue Sky 21-0-0,” explains Greg.

Holganix golf program


What results have you seen with Holganix products?

“The root development is what really sold me on Holganix,” explains Greg. Concord Country Club has done a lot of renovation work over the last five years, yet despite the challenge of managing a renovation, Greg’s team needs to get the course back to peak playability as quickly as possible. 

“Using the Holganix products during sodding and seeding really helps me get the turf rooted in quickly, and that turf is better able to handle the foot traffic from golfers,” reports Greg. When he compares a renovation at Concord Country Club with Holganix products to previous renovations without Holganix, Greg reports there is a stark difference. 

Greg also prefers to push the renovations into late fall when it becomes vital to get turf established before winter temperatures stress the turf. “People have been pleasantly surprised by the results we get,” explains Greg. “And, when I have third-party consultants come to the course to review the renovations they are always extremely complimentary of how quickly we get turf rooted in.” 

In addition to seeing results during renovations, Greg reports that he has been able to reduce his nitrogen rates by 50% on fairways and has eliminated the need for granule applications on the roughs. “From a business perspective, it’s important to be as efficient as possible with the budget,” states Greg. “So, the ability to reduce nitrogen without sacrificing playability, plant health, or appearance is critical.” 

Further, Greg reports he has more consistent growth, “without those peaks and valleys.” Plus, Greg explains he’s seen less pressure from environmental stressors like weather and disease. “Even in drought-like times, we’ve maintained good turf density. We’ve also seen fewer outbreaks of disease.”        

concord club


Concord Country Club Stats

Concord Country Club golf stats

What is your background as a superintendent?

Greg has been at Concord Country Club for 10 years but has been caring for golf courses for 23 years. He received his degree in Turf Grass Science from Penn State University and is currently attending West Chester University for his MBA. 

“I was naturally drawn to studying turfgrass science at Penn State. I loved that being a superintendent meant being outside, and I also have strong attention to detail. I love the challenge of trying to reach peak perfection at the course” 


How can you learn more about using Holganix products on your course or sports field? 

From Increasing Playability to Improving Turf Recovery, We've Got Your Golf Course Covered!

From the greens to the fairways, and from little league to the pros, we have a library of high-performance products that nurture your golf course or sports field! Holganix products are crafted with soil health in mind, which means our products provide both the short-term results you are looking for - like improving turf recovery under stressful conditions - but also give you the long-term benefit of building healthy soils that do a lot to care for the plant naturally.

Use our products together in a recommended program or work with one of our Holganix Representatives to build a program that's just right for your golf course or sports field.

Check out our case studies and data to dig in deeper! Or, give us a call to speak with a Holganix representative. 


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jun 24, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: holganix reviews, golf course

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