Holganix Case Study: Fewer Inputs and Larger Turf Roots at Red Diamond Inc [VIDEO CASE STUDY]

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We sat down to interview Brandon Haley, Grounds Manager for Red Diamond, inc to understand how Holganix products has allowed him to build healthier roots which has led to reduced inputs and increased turf performance. Specifically, this conversation details his use of Holganix Bio 800+ - a plant probiotic that delivers increase plant resilience while relying on fewer chemicals and other inputs.

Either watch the video interview or read the notes at your leisure. If you are reading this blog via email, click here to access the video.


How has Holganix Bio 800+ helped cut down on water and irrigation usage?

Irrigation usage has been a focus at Red Diamond and Haley states that “we have cut back total gallons of water used for irrigation by over 75% in the last three years, and Holganix Bio 800+ has been a huge part of that.” Holganix Bio 800+ can help cut back on water and irrigation usage because it helps create stronger and deeper roots, this has allowed Red Diamond to go extra days without having to water. “Right now we are on a 5 day cycle for irrigation and the results have been amazing!”


At Red Diamond, what types of soil do you have?

“Our soils are heavy clay that need aerification to even put a shovel in the ground. But we have been able to get roots into that 8-10 inch zone despite the tough conditions!”

Haley even states that the course has one section where they got roots as far as 12 to 13 inches in the clay soils!


How did Holganix Bio 800+ help with your soil?

“This year we did a landscape renovation at my house and put down all Bermuda grass.  Like anyone else I did not want a huge water bill so I put down Holganix Bio 800+ after the sod was put down.”  He says that after only four days he could not rip the sod up- it had already rooted! “I could not have asked for anything better!” Haley stated.


What were your initial thoughts on the refrigeration of Holganix Bio 800+ ?

“It initially scared me.”  However, Haley states that now that he has the refrigeration unit installed he loves the accessibility and quality of the product.

“I have much more belief in a product that has been refrigerated than one that has been sitting in a warehouse.”


Now that you have used Holganix Bio 800+, will you ever plant without it?

“Any plant that goes in the ground is getting Holganix” Haley explains that they have tried many other methods and products but Holganix Bio 800+ has shown great results all around!

“My name is Brandon Haley and I believe in Holganix”


Holganix Bio 800+ Is Your Powerful Agronomic Tool

Holganix Bio 800+ charges soil with over 800 species of soil microbes to improve plant performance. What does that mean for you?

That means you build soil and root health which translates to improved yield on crops, better playability on golf courses and a reduced need for fertilizers and pesticides on lawns. Learn more about the science behind Holganix Bio 800+ below.

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Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 4, 2018 3:49:46 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, holganix reviews, golf course

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