RSVP: Leeton GoGrow February 20th, 2025

"Holganix Has Changed the way I Farm"

Does Holganix really work? Don't ask us. Ask our Growers.

“Holganix has changed the way we farm," explains Brian Mohrfled, grower and dealer in West Point, Iowa. "I’ve put the plow and deep ripper away, moved toward no-till... we did a 50% cut back on our fertilizer... we’ve never had yields like this.”

Click the video to hear more about Brian's soil health journey with Holganix.

Start exploring Our Technology Proven To Boost Soil Health

product performance book mini

Product Performance EBook

Does Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture and Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown really work? Don't ask us, as our growers! Download the Product Performance Book for a look at our curated pictures and data from commercial and research growers.



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Holganix Bio 800+ Ingredients List

Holganix Bio 800+ is filled to the brim with beneficial soil microbes, microbe food, and nutrient enhancers to build HEALTHIER plants that need less fertilizer and pesticides. Download our Key Ingredients List to get the scoop on our key ingredients.



soil science

Digging Into Soil Science EBook

Within the natural world, a complex balance exists among living organisms known as the soil food web. This eBook explores how the soil food web supports healthy plants, the power of soil microbes, and soil type classifications. 



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