3 Social Media Tips for Lawn Care and Golf

10 years ago, the rule was that if you didn’t have a website you were invisible. Today, that rule applies beyond websites to social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. According to Hubspot, 46% of web users look towards social media when making a buying decision.

So, if you are on social media, hats off to you. But, if you haven’t jumped on the “social bandwagon,” maybe it’s time to start. Here’s some quick best practice tips for lawn care companies and golf courses looking to start or improve their social media presence.


  • Address criticism. If you have an unhappy customer engaging on social media, let him/her know you are listening and genuinely care. Address their complaints or criticism of your service and be prepared to wow-ify them next time or to correct any problems with your services. Look at it this way; if you know when a customer is unhappy, it’s your golden opportunity to not only save them but also make them a fan of your company. Another thing to keep in mind is, by addressing complaints you’re showing other customers and prospects just how well you react to criticism. The worse thing you can do is NOT address it.


  • Don’t be afraid to mess up. No one is perfect and you will make mistakes. That’s OKAY! In fact, it makes you look more human. One of the biggest reasons why people aren’t active on social media is because they are afraid of messing up. After all, one spelling errorrr (woops we just made a spelling error!) could totally blow your entire social media cover? Not! It’s okay to mess up.


  • Act like you’re at a cocktail party. Don’t just post about how wonderful your company is (yes, we know you ROCK!). Think of social media as being at a cocktail party. Post about interesting or funny things happening in the lawn care/professional turf world with a dash of personal things happening in the office and a slight sprinkling of propaganda. So go take a company selfie and have some fun while you tweet, post and pin away! Need some ideas? Click here for some lawn care jokes to post and here for golf jokes.


Want to get more in depth about social media lawn care or golf courses? Check out these blogs: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. Or, give us a call! We are always super happy to chat with individuals looking to grow their organizations; so feel free to reach out and start a conversation about how to market your company.

Grow your lawn care company

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Mar 3, 2015 11:52:14 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, golf course

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