How Do You Use HGX Pro Products on Trees, Shrubs and Flowers?


Is your company currently providing plant health care services, or do you install plant material? Are you looking to ensure that your plants don't just survive, but thrive? Holganix's professional line of products, HGX Pro, is the answer you’re looking for! 

In this blog post, we discuss the following topics. Click the link to short-cut to that topic.

  1. How do HGX Pro products work?
  2. Results from horticulturists and landscapers like you
  3. Installing plant material with HGX Pro products
  4. Conducting plant health maintenance applications with HGX Pro products
  5. Comparing HGX Pro products to the competition

How do HGX Pro Products Work?

No matter the product line, Holganix products, like the HGX Pro line, focus on soil biology as the solution to plant health.

At Holganix, we believe that the best way to have full, colorful, disease-free plants is to first take care of soil health. There are three HGX Pro products that are focused on nurturing trees, shrubs, and flowers:

  1. Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub
  2. Bio 800+ Bloom
  3. Plant Start Granular 2-4-3

HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub

HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub recreates the natural forest soil environment for your trees and shrubs by building up the soil microbes in and around your landscaping, which in turn promotes root development and nutrient uptake.  

Why should you use HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub?

  • Stronger plants that better tolerate environmental stresses
  • Vigorous root growth
  • Fewer inputs are needed, including water, fertilizer and pesticides.
  • Improved heal-in during planting

>>Learn More About HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub


HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom

Harness the power of over 800 soil microbes with HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom! As an organic plant probiotic, HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom charges soil with diverse soil microbes to improve soil health and deliver more plentiful and more colorful blooms.

What results can you expect with HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom?

  • Improved heal-in during planting
  • More plentiful and more colorful blooms
  • Vigorous root growth
  • Stronger plants that better tolerate environmental stresses
  • Fewer inputs are needed, including water, fertilizers and pesticides.

>>Learn More About HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom


HGX Pro Plant Start Granular 2-4-3

With HGX Pro Plant Start Granular 2-4-3, we take a combination of aerobically composted chicken manure and spurge the granular pellets with Bio 800+ tech material. Next, we layer in heightened populations of mycorrhizal fungi. The result is a balanced fertilizer formula combined with the power of soil microbes.

HGX Pro Plant Start Granular 2-4-3 is crafted to:

  • Grow strong roots
  • Reduce transplant shock
  • Boost color
  • Build soil health

>>Learn More About Plant Start Granular 2-4-3


Results from Horticulturists and Landscapers Like You

We have several case studies from contractors using HGX Pro products on trees, shrubs, and flowers. Review some of the highlights from our case studies and click on the article link to read the full story.

Shrubbery Specialist

“We are passionate about Holganix and after the thorough testing we conducted on the product, we know it’s awesome.” - Stephanie Whitehead, The Shrubbery Specialist.

  • Roses - 25-30% larger, less disease and pests
  • Boxwoods - less disease (blight)
  • Gardenia - fewer insecticides despite problems in the area with whitefly.

>>Click to read more


Bengert greenhouse

“Holganix places me in a better position to sell something lush.” - Denny Bengert, Bengert Greenhouse.

  • Reduced fertilizer by 10-15%
  • Reduced fungicides by 30%

>>Click to read more


Zehrs Garden Center

“I would recommend HGX PRO Bio 800+ Bloom to any grower. There’s a tremendous amount of science behind Holganix products and at the end of the day, the proof is in the plants!” - Mark Van Buren, Zehrs Garden Center.

  • Healthier overall plants
  • Fewer problems with insects and disease

>>Click to read more


Red Diamond

“I won’t plant anything without Holganix products!” - Brandon Haley, Red Diamond Inc.

  • Less fertilizer needed
  • Fewer disease problems
  • Improved root depth
  • Installs grow in quickly and healthy

>>Watch Brandon's interview here


Incredible Edible Community Gardens

“IECG would definitely recommend Holganix to other growers.” - Mary E. Petite, Incredible Edible Community Gardens.

  • Increased flowering on orchard trees
  • Improved quality of plantings/installs

>>Click to read more


Harmony Hill Nursery

“I’m always trying to produce a great product for the industry and Holganix is part of the production process. I recommend other nursery growers and those growing plants to check out the Holganix lineup” - Chris Uhland, COO, Harmony Hill Nursery LLC.

  • Better root in when installing new nursery stock
  • Shortened the time to harvest the nursery stock
  • Reduced insect and disease suppression

>>Click to read more


Installing Plant Material With HGX Pro Products

Often, the problem with traditional plant installations is that you take a perfectly satisfied plant and install it in an environment with poor soil quality. As a result, the plant becomes stressed and transplant shock often occurs. 

However, when you install a plant with HGX Pro Plant Start 2-4-3 Granular and HGX Pro Bio 800+ products, you ensure your plant not only survives in its new habitat, but it thrives. It’s like an insurance for your installation! 

Simply sprinkle a handful of HGX Pro Plant Start 2-4-3 Granular in the hole, install your plant, and water the plant in with HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub or HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom after installation. 

If a two-step application (HGX Pro Plant Start 2-4-3 Granular and HGX Pro Bio 800+) is not efficient enough for your business, consider just one of the products as a stand-alone. You’ll still see great results! 

installation infographic


Conducting Plant Health Maintenance Applications 

Depending on your region, a tree and shrub health care plan, or a flower health care plan, will consist of four to eight rounds of applications. 

The program can include HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub or HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom, pesticides (fungicides and insecticides), and nutrients.

Another option is to opt out of all pesticides and apply a well-balanced fertilizer and HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub or HGX Pro Bio 800+ Bloom, alone. This approach focuses on soil health and building strong plants. A stronger plant will be better able to fight against disease and pests. 

Just keep in mind that with this approach, you may still see pest and disease problems crop up, especially during extremely stressful times brought on by weather or extreme pest and disease pressure. 

>>For additional information on a tree and shrub health care plan, or a flower plant health care plan, check out this blog


Comparing HGX Pro Products to the Competition

When comparing HGX Pro products to the competition, it comes down to the power of our microbes and the fact that Bio 800+ products and HGX Pro Plant Start Granular have such a wide diversity of species of soil microbes. 

For microbial products, the microbe count is important but diversity is even more crucial. By having a product filled with a diversity of life, the soil and plant are prepared for whatever hurdle it needs to face.

Think of it as the equivalent to a multivitamin. Instead of a magic bullet, HGX Pro Bio 800+ products parachute in an army of specialists, each one capable of filling in gaps to balance the biological requirements of the soil.

Consider the environment you are asked to grow plants in. Are the soils the same from property to property? Do climate conditions change day-to-day or hour-by-hour? Are the pathogens and stresses that are attacking your plants changing? Do you want to give your plants every possible advantage to adapt and respond to all of these changing challenges?  

Whereas a single microbial strain would be able to assist with one single, targeted problem, a microbial product with a vast diversity of species is better equipped to handle problems in a changing environment.

Just as a car can’t be fixed with a single screwdriver, Bio 800+ products contain an entire toolbox of microbes adept to handle numerous problems.

comparison chart


GUIDE: Building a Tree and Shrub Plant Health Care Department at Your Lawn Care Company

Whether you are looking to start a tree and shrub plant health care business, or you already have a lawn and landscape business and you are looking to add it as a service to your offerings, this guide is for you! 

In this guide, we review the following topics:   

  1. Why should you offer tree and shrub plant health care applications?
  2. How do you market tree and shrub plant health care maintenance?
  3. How do you price out tree and shrub plant health care applications?
  4. Items to consider when building a tree and shrub plant health care program, including how to use HGX Pro Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub.


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Mar 23, 2023 10:00:00 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care

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