Marketing Hints and Tips: Have you made your 2015 sales goal yet?

In the year 1979, a study was conducted on students attending a Harvard MBA program. The students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” The results were as follows:

3% of students had written goals and made plans
13% had goals that weren’t in writing
84% had no specific goals

Ten years later, those students were asked how much they were earning in their careers. The results were amazing!

The 13% of the class who had goals were earning on average 2x as much as those who had no goals.
The 3% that had written goals and plans were earning 10x as much as the other 97% all together.

Harvard graduate or not, this story goes to show the huge impact goal setting can have on your career and business. With 2015 in full swing, many of us are looking to grow our lawn care businesses, but have you actually sat down, written down your goal and made plans to achieve it?


If you haven’t, there’s still time to get to work on creating your sales goal. We urge you to register for the upcoming webinar: Building Your 2015 Marketing Plan with Holganix Head of Marketing, Nicole Wise. In the webinar, you’ll break down your sales goal into bite sized chunks based on monthly and weekly goals. You’ll also build marketing campaigns to reel in customers including: direct mail, telemarketing and inbound marketing campaigns. Click the button below to register for our webinar and let’s grow your lawn care company together! Also, be sure to check out Holganix CEO, Barrett Ersek's video above for additional information regarding the study and the power of goal setting.

Register: Marketing Plan Webinar

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 22, 2015 6:30:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care

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