By Kaitlyn Ersek on Feb 11, 2016 9:52:17 AM
There are trillions of soil microbes within the soil. Each plays a role in maintaining (or detracting from) plant health. Incorporating living beneficial soil microbes can help you solve turf problems and provide better quality results.
But in the world of soil microbes, we can't help but tip our hats off to these 5 cool soil microbes! Watch the 3.5-minute video featuring Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek, or skip the video and read our blog below.
1. Mycorrhizae
Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizae assist with water and nutrient uptake in plants. Endo Mycorrhizae penetrate roots and are associated with grassy plants while Ecto Mycorrhizae grow in association with plant roots and are associated with woody plants.
Mycorrhizae gather nutrients and moisture for the roots in return for sugars excreted by the plant. There are 20 species of mycorrhizae in Holganix Bio 800+.
2. Rhizobia
While Luis Pasteur was discovering the process of vaccination, his colleague and friend Martinus Beijerinck was undergoing another microorganism breakthrough. In 1888, he discovered rhizobia, bacteria that infect the roots of legumes, such as soybeans, alfalfa, and clover, forming nodules.
Known as the “Fertilizer Factories” in plants, these nodules are responsible for converting atmospheric nitrogen (a gas) into a plant-useable form, ammonium (NH4+). Rhizobia was the first to discover nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and improve soil fertility.
3. Trichoderma
Trichoderma are fungi that enhance root and plant growth and aid in plant disease resistance. Trichoderma will take over a root zone, outcompeting pathogens for space to form on the plant and for nutrients. They also “coil around the hyphae of pathogenic fungi and then produce enzymes to dissolve the pathogen’s cell walls” (JH Biotec).
In a non-biological use, the fungi are utilized by jean manufacturers to create a stone-washed look (University of Wisconsin). Trichoderma hazarium is a component of Holganix Bio 800+.
4. Cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria are thought to be a major player in creating the conditions in the Earth’s early atmosphere that directed the evolution of photosynthesis. They are also the first known organisms to fix nitrogen and produce sugars using photosynthesis.
5. Lactobacillus
Lactobacillus is a genus of bacteria commonly found in soil and the guts of animals. In the soil, these organisms promote the decomposition of organic matter. In addition to organic matter decay, they suppress disease and perform growth regulatory effects on fungi, yeast, and other bacteria.
There are 26 species of Lactobacillus in Holganix Bio 800+. It’s also interesting to note that Lactobacillus is used in yogurt as a probiotic for human consumption.
Holganix Bio 800+ is teeming with soil microbes!
At Holganix, we believe in preserving and nourishing the water and soils so they can be passed down to future generations.
Our flagship product - Holganix Bio 800+ harnesses the power of over 800 soil microbes to turbocharge soils. As a result, Holganix Bio 800+ improves soil health in the long term while increasing crop yield and root architecture in the short term.
Want to learn more about the soil microbes in Holganix Bio 800+? Download our key ingredient list using the link below.