Video Interview With Farmers on Holganix Results


Are you interested in using Holganix products, but want to hear from actual Holganix users first? We get it! That’s why we sat down and conducted video interviews with three of Holganix’s farmer dealers located in different geographies. In these interviews, we discuss what they are personally seeing in their fields and what they are hearing from their customers. 

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What is Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture and Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown? 

When is the right time to start to invest in building the soil you want to leave your grandkids? Sometimes, doing the right thing to ensure the farm stays profitable today isn’t aligned with the long-term vision you have for the land.

At Holganix, our products harness the power of over 800 species of soil microbes to drive soil health in the long term, while still providing a return on your investment in year one.  

For farmers, we manufacture two core products: Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture (for use in the spring, at or close to planting) and Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown (for fall/early spring residue control).  

Bio 800+ Agriculture is enriched with soil microbes that improve germination success, reduce the need for fertilizer by 10-to-30%, improve yield, and boost root growth.  

Bio 800+ Breakdown is enriched with soil microbes that degrade crop residue.  

Watch the 12-minute video below, featuring an explanation from Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek, and commentary from three farmers currently using the product. If you are reading the blog via email, click here to watch the video.  


What Results have you seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture? 


Brian Mohrfeld, Iowa Farmer and Holganix Dealer 

“On my personal field, one of the biggest things I have seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture is with soybeans. We saw 90-something bushel per acre yields on the yield monitor across the field. That’s huge for us. Plus, we went about six weeks without rain.”  

“With our customers, we did a lot of following up with them during the season to make sure they understood the results they were seeing. We pulled roots and ears on control and Holganix-applied ground and saw a big difference. We also saw farmers back off their fertilizer inputs.” 


Tim Varilek, Nebraska Farmer and Holganix Dealer 

“I started off using the product in 2020 on my organic ground. You could see exactly where the Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture was applied and where it wasn’t. There was actually something like an 18-inch difference in corn height. As far as yield goes, with my organic ground, I saw a 2-bushel difference which was really good for us.”  

“In 2021, after seeing the results on my organic crop, we went out and applied it to our conventional crop and started recommending the product to neighbors. I chose not to reduce our fertilizer yet. My conventional crop is on a sandy field and half of the crop yielded better than it ever had. I broke a personal best and I was shocked. I honestly saw 50-bushel improvements which we obviously can’t advertise as commonplace.”  

“In 2022, I decided to reduce nitrogen inputs. I put down 150 pounds of nitrogen as opposed to the 200 pounds I usually apply. The yield stayed consistent or was slightly higher than in years past... even with the drought, I saw good things.” 


Taylor Petsinger, North Dakota Farmer and Holganix Dealer 

“I’ve been seeing good things on soybeans, including yield improvements, despite having weather damage on the field. On my personal edible beans, we put down a pretty low amount of nitrogen and are still pulling something like 3,600 to 3,800. It’s been doing really good!”  


Watch the 9-minute video above, featuring a more in-depth interview with these farmers. If you are reading the blog via email, click here to watch the video. 


What results have you seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown? 

bio 800 breakdown


Brian Mohrfeld, Iowa Farmer and Holganix Dealer  

“This picture is from one of my corn fields. Three weeks after applying Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown on my vertically tilled corn, we went out and walked the field with an agronomist to see what kind of activity there was. The stalks were just falling apart. The agronomist was opening stalks and looking at all the colors. At one point she said, “There are a lot of breakdown products out there; I have never seen anything like this!”  


Watch the 4-minute video above, featuring a more in-depth interview with these farmers. If you are reading the blog via email, click here to watch the video. 


How easy has it been to use and store the product? 

Because of the large concentrations of soil microbes in Bio 800+ products, the products are stored in refrigeration for long-term storage. Farmers can store the product outside of refrigeration, out of direct sunlight, for four weeks. Our dealers have refrigeration on their site and will deliver products to neighboring farmers before planting.  


Tim Varilek, Nebraska Farmer and Holganix Dealer 

“At first, I had a lot of guys nervous about the refrigeration aspect. But I haven’t had any product go anaerobic, so it really hasn’t been a problem. Plus, I have a reefer trailer on my site for my customers so it’s not an issue they have to worry about.”  

“As far as using the product, when you mess with organics and fish, you traditionally see stuff that plugs up sprayers easily. Holganix Bio 800+ products are easy to run through screens. I haven’t had a plug or anything so it’s pretty darn easy.”  


Taylor Petsinger, North Dakota Farmer and Holganix Dealer 

“We are up North so it’s cool when we are planting, and we don’t typically have to worry about hot weather. One time though, to test it out, I left a 2.5-gallon jug out in the sun. I think it took about eight weeks before it started showing signs of going anaerobic.”  


Watch the 4-minute video above, featuring a more in-depth interview with these farmers. If you are reading the blog via email, click here to watch the video. 


Download The Holganix Product Performance Book  

Do Holganix Bio 800+ products really work? Don't ask us, ask our growers! Download the Product Performance Book for a look at our curated pictures and data from commercial growers and third-party researchers.  

Download: Product Performance Book

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 26, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: holganix results, holganix reviews, agriculture, holganix case studies, Farmer Dealer, Holganix Bio 800, farmers, Holganix Bio 800 Breakdown

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