ECOTURF: From 0 to 215 Lawn Care Customers in 365 Days


We first met Jordan and Jenny Chapman in the fall of 2014. This husband and wife team were hungry, passionate, and ready to take the northern Colorado organic lawn care market by storm with their brand new lawn care company: EcoTurf.

“The good part of starting with zero customers is that you have nowhere to go but up. The negative is that when you are parents of two young daughters, success is your only option.” says Jordan. 

So, Jordan and Jenny enrolled in Holganix University,, and signed up for every webinar, downloaded every ebook, and read as many blogs as they could get their hands on. They are dedicated students!

ecoturf_Frisbee.pngJordan and Jenny followed the Holganix Marketing Plan, and began their efforts with a 3-wave direct mail postcard campaign, following that up with door-to-door in person marketing to their customers’ neighbors.

These efforts, along with prospects seeing their neighbors’ great results and the repeated view of the stickered-up EcoTurf truck going by their house everyday helped build additional customer density in targeted neighborhoods.

So, do you want to know Jordan and Jenny’s SECRET WEAPON? It’s the two cuties in the photos! Their daughters have really made EcoTurf a family affair.

For example, when Jordan and Jenny purchased 5,000 frisbees, the girls dressed up in their tutus and shades and along with Jenny, helped deliver them to prospective customers. And when their town had a community parade, well of course they were happy to ride along, looking adorable on the family float!

But don’t think they are just there for their cuteness. Emma, 4, is becoming quite the marketer, as she reminds her Mom to forego parking in the garage because “parking in the driveway lets people see the logoed truck and minivan, and that’s good advertising Mommy.”



Cost-Effective Sales And Marketing Tools

Don’t have adorable children to help you? No worries! Here are some other successful, cost-effective sales and marketing tools Eco Turf has used:

1. Active social media presence and advertising through Facebook ad Google Ad Words

2. Craigslist ads

3. Email newsletters through Mail Chimp which helped educate customers and prospects about their services as well as helpful general gardening/lawn care information. They achieved an incredible 60-70% open rate, which validates the level of beneficial content in their newsletters.

4. Partner with landscapers who do not provide fertilization services in-house. You can ask your agronomical suppliers (Their supplier is Ewing) to refer you to landscapers.

5. Engagement with customers whenever possible. Jenny calls every customer prior to their next round, which provides the opportunity to not only make sure the customer is happy, but also can be used to upsell, something that Jenny has become much more comfortable with.


Turf Results In The Field Leads To Customer Referrals

Equally important as their marketing efforts are the results they are getting on their customers’ lawns.

Last year, on August 5, a customer called to have EcoTurf come out and treat their lawn, because they wanted to “pretty it up” for listing the house for sale two weeks later.

When Jordan arrived at the house, he was shocked to see the condition of the lawn, as shown in the “Before” photo below. The lawn had been neglected for quite some time, so to get the recovery results necessary, in the heat of the summer, Jordan knew there was only one option: Holganix!

He put down a round of Holganix and came by each week to check on the property. Even though Jordan is a Holganix believer, even he was quite impressed with the speed of the recovery.



75% Close Rate On Prospects

Eco Turf’s final stat? “Our close rate was 75%!” Beams Jenny.

“If Jordan or I could talk to the prospect on the phone or in person, we did really well. So, do whatever you can to make sure you answer the phone, ALWAYS call customers back, and think of everyone you meet as a prospect.” That is how you, too, can go from 0-215 customers in 365 days!


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Blog written by Suzanne Longacre

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Apr 6, 2016 12:04:36 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, holganix reviews

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