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Webinar: Fertilizer costs high? Increasing fertilizer efficiency with Holganix.

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Reduce your need for fertilizer, cut fertilizer costs, and beat your competition!

Fertilizer costs are skyrocketing! How can you increase your fertilizer efficiency? How can you reduce your need for fertilizer?

Holganix Bio 800+ has been tested in over 28 university studies, showing the effects the product has on fertilizer reduction, color, quality improvement, and root growth.

In this webinar, Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy, dives into the studies on fertilizer reduction and discusses how soil microbes can increase fertilizer efficiency. 

What can you expect? 

  1. Review university studies and case studies from lawn care professionals on fertilizer reductions.
  2. Dig into how soil microbes can improve fertilizer efficiency.
  3. Open Q&A is available at the end of the webinar.


Schedule A One-On-One Meeting

Want to learn more about Holganix Blue Sky? Select the link to schedule your one-on-one meeting with Holganix National Sales Manager, Rob McCoy.



Additional Tools for turf enthusiasts

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Holganix Turf & Ornamental Product Catalog

Our product catalog contains, information on all of our products geared towards our turf and ornamental business including lawn and landscape, golf course, sports turf, greenhouse, and more. Download our catalog for a peek at all of our turf and ornamental products.




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The Technical Turf Roots Report EBook

When it comes to nurturing healthy turf, very few industry professionals pay attention to what occurs below the surface.

Yet, maintaining a healthy root system is crucial to building a healthy plant. From feeding the plant to fending off disease, roots play an important role in plant health.

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