Plants Aren't As Solitary As They Appear...

Plants aren’t as solitary as they appear. In fact, if you study a plant over a 24 hour period, you’ll notice that a lot happens. Leaves move towards the sunlight to capture energy during the day and sometimes fold at night when photosynthesis is impossible. That’s because plants have a biological clock that tells them when it’s time to initiate certain biochemical and physiological actions. Is it based on sunlight or temperature? While both play a role, the plant biological clock runs regardless of light or temperature. When you take a plant indoors and maintain certain lighting, the plant will continue to go through a daily schedule.


In addition to a biological clock, plants also have a biological calendar, telling them when to germinate and when to go dormant. So how does the plant know when it’s a specific season? It’s not temperature! Plants don’t want to be tricked by Mother Nature’s whims. Instead, plants utilize the length of the day to determine if it’s the right time to come out of dormancy or begin budding.

Turf roots

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Feb 4, 2016 3:48:15 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, golf course, agriculture

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