Top 5 TED Talks for LAWNtrepreneurs

As a self-proclaimed TED Talk Geek, selecting the top 5 TED Talks for Lawntrepreneurs (Lawn Care Entrepreneurs) was both difficult and exciting! The below selection is a collage of TED Talks that discuss some things business, some things soil and other things just plain cool.

1. How to get your ideas to spread: Author of the bestselling marketing book Purple Cow, Seth Godin reminds the audience that the world is busy and simply being good at something is no longer good enough to be successful. It’s the crazy, out-there, remarkable ideas that bring success. Being remarkable means being worthy of making a remark about. What makes your business crazy, out-there and remarkable? Click here to view the TED Talk or watch the video below!

2. The happy secret to better work: Does working harder mean being happy? According to psychologist Shawn Achor, it is actually happiness that inspires us to be more productive in the workplace. In fact, when you are positive instead of negative, neutral or stressed, you are 31% more productive and 37% better at sales. Watch this hilarious and informative TED Talk, then take Shawn’s five tips on happiness back to your workplace.

3. Healthy soil, healthy World: If you pick up a handful of soil, you will be holding more microorganisms in your hand than the entire number of people who have ever lived on earth. Think about that for a moment. Can you imagine the quantity of living things in your grasp? Soil is FULL of life. In this TED Talk you’ll have the opportunity to explore the soil from a microorganisms’ point of view.

4. Your body language shapes who you are: It is not a secret that body language influences the way we view people and the way they view us, but body language can also have a huge effect on how we see ourselves. When you utilize one of Amy Cuddy’s “Power Poses”, chemical reactions in your brain occur, boosting your confidence and may even impact your chance for success. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk is the second most popular talk of all time! Click here to watch her TED Talk on YouTube or watch the video below.

5. Everyday Leadership: Drew Dudley calls on everyone to celebrate leadership as everyday acts of improving each other’s lives. This hilarious TEDx Talk will inspire you to redefine leadership and what it means to be a leader. 

"7.5 Secrets to Growing Your  Lawn Care Company" eBook


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Feb 23, 2016 1:51:56 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care

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