The Golden Street Approach for growing your lawn care business!

grow your lawn care company

Golden Streets could be your ticket to profitable new customers in the lawn care industry! 


What are golden streets?

Golden streets are neighborhoods where you already have customers and have a good potential to add more customers. Neighborhoods usually contain no less than 100 and no more than 300 houses. 


Why do you need golden streets?

Golden streets can help you cut back on windshield time and boost profit margin.

Windshield time is the time your lawn technicians spend sitting in the truck, doing nothing but driving. If you want better profits, you need to cut this time down and the best way to do that is by catering to your golden streets.

By focusing on aquiring customers within your golden streets, you increase your density and that means your technician is spending less time driving from one property to the next and more time spraying lawns. With less windshield time, your labor and fuel costs go down and that means profit margins go up!


How do you find golden streets? 

Start by grading your current customers. Use your memory, Google Earth or your managers to sift through your current customers and “grade” their worth (click here to find an example of a grading system our customers have found useful in the past).

Once you get your “A Streets” grab hold of them and don’t let go.

Fall over yourselves to grant them their every wish and WOW them with the greatest service they’ve ever had. Once you’ve got them hooked, neighborhood gossip will circulate and soon you’ll be servicing several of their neighbors.


How to speak to your "A Streets"?  

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to “A Streets” is that they love results but also tend to be “environmentally conscious.”

A great way to spark their interest in your company is by going organic! Don’t worry; making the switch isn’t as hard or expensive as you think. Click here to learn about Holganix lawn product. 

Grow your lawn care company

Posted by Nicole Wise on Feb 10, 2012 10:23:00 AM

Nicole Wise

Topics: lawn care

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