And the Winner is... Holganix Roots For You!


Case Studies

Holganix Roots For You! - Lawn Care Edition

“Simply put: Rootastic!” reported Keith Jackson of Hydroseed inc, in Indiana when asked about his results while using Holganix. Jackson, who was awarded second place for his 12-inch root in the Holganix Roots for You root competition, has been excited with the performance of Holganix on his turf. According to Jackson, “I am truly amazed at the root depth I was able to achieve with the help of Holganix.”

The Holganix Roots for You root competition announced its winner in the lawn care industry on October 23 at the Bionutritional Summit in Louisville, Kentucky. The winner of the competition received a $500 cash prize as well as a $500 cash prize donation made in the winner’s name to PLANET. “When it came down to picking winners, the competition was tough!” states Holganix CEO Barrett Ersek. “At the end of the day, we realized that we couldn’t pick just one winner.” In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Holganix decided to issue second- and third-place winners with a $100 cash prize.

First place went to Terry Jungles of Total Lawn Care inc, for his 13-inch root. Second place was issued to Keith Jackson of Hydroseed inc, for his 12-inch root while Tommy Cowett of GrowinGreen received third place for his 9-inch root. “Everyone was excited and cheering when the winners were announced at the Summit,” recalls Nicole Wise, Head of Marketing at Holganix. “Terry Jungles took his prize money back to his crew and split it among the whole team.” See the competition results below.

Although the lawn care industry winners have been announced, the Holganix Roots For You competition continues. Both the golf course and sports turf management industries are still ongoing. Winners for the golf course industry will be announced at GCSAA while Sports Turf winners will be announced at STMA. To get involved in the competition, visit www.holganix.com/roots.


First Place

Terry Jungles of Total Lawn Care inc, 

Root depth: 13 inches

Holganix rate: 7 ounces per 1,000 sq feet (4 applications)

Nitrogen rate: .3 pounds of nitrogen from urea per 1,000 sq feet (3 applications), .125 pounds per 1,000 sq feet of nitrogen from methylene urea

 Holganix roots

Second Place

Keith Jackson of Hydroseed inc,  

Root depth: 12 inches

Holganix rate: 7 ounces per 1,000 sq feet (3 applications)

Nitrogen rate: .25 lb per 1,000 sq feet (3 applications)

Holganix roots

Third Place 

Tommy Cowett of GrowinGreen

Root depth: 9 inches

Holganix rate: 3 ounces per 1,000 sq feet (2 applications)

Nitrogen rate: unknown

Holganix Roots    








Posted by Nicole Wise on Nov 22, 2013 9:25:00 AM

Nicole Wise

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, holganix reviews, golf course

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