The Science Behind Holganix: Inoculate your soil this fall!

The Science Behind Holganix

Inoculate your soil this fall!

Last winter felt like it would never end. Across the United States, winter injury plagued golf courses and sports turf fields alike. Because they were so unaccustomed to dealing with severe cold, the south was especially hit hard. Yet, as we spoke to superintendents and sports turf managers using Holganix, one thing was certain: those that have been using Holganix in the fall suffered from far less winter injury than their colleagues not using Holganix. Those that have used Holganix for more than a year reported even better winter stress tolerance this spring. Tests done by superintendents also revealed that Holganix is a great tool for winter stress recovery.

So, why does Holganix help? 


"Ready for another winter?" Upcoming webinar.


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Sep 4, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, sports turf, golf course

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