Holganix Case Study: A “No Brainer” for Root Development


"Ensuring that safety of children and preserving the environment are important to our team," explains Craig, owner of a leading organic lawn care maintenance company in Northwest Texas. “That’s why we are committed to using organic methods and products like HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf.” 

In this Interview, we will explore the following topics as it relates to Craig’s company. Click the link to skip to the topic of your choosing! Or continue scrolling to read the full interview.  

  1. Which Holganix products do you use? 
  2. Why did you decide to use HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf? And what results have you seen?  
  3. What makes your lawn care company different? 
  4. How to learn more about using Holganix products  

Which Holganix Products Do you Use? 

We apply HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season. Currently, we operate mostly on residential properties and work with turf types including Bermuda and Fescue. Our soil type is primarily clay with an alkaline pH. 


Why did you decide to Trial HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf? and What Results Have you seen? 

I came across Holganix while researching organic products online. I already understand the concept of the soil food web and how a product that contains microbes like HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf would help us deliver the agronomic result our customers are looking for while allowing us to be good stewards of the environment. 

Our lawns are better able to withstand stressful conditions like hot summer days and foot traffic. Plus, when it comes to root development, Bio 800+ has been a no-brainer. Any of the customers that have been with us for at least one year can take a shovel, dig up some roots, and see results clearly.


What Makes Your Lawn Care Company Different from the Competition? 

We are a locally owned and operated business. In fact, I’ve been a resident here for over 50 years.

We use a hybrid-organic fertilization approach that allows us to create healthy lawns without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We believe that improving the soil and using natural products like HGX PRO Bio 800+ Turf minimizes stress and helps us create a beautiful, healthy lawn. 


How Can You Learn More About Using Holganix Products? 

From fertilizer maintenance to landscape installations, we have a library of products that nurture green, lush landscapes. Holganix products are crafted with soil health in mind, which means our products provide not only the short-term result you are looking for, like a green, weed-free lawn but also give you the long-term benefit of building healthy soils that care for the plant naturally.   

Additionally, many of our products drive results while reducing the need for fertilizer and pesticides. Not only do reductions in inputs benefits the environment, but they can be an advantageous marketing tool!   

Use our products together in a recommended fertilizer program or work with one of our specialists to build a program that's just right for your business. 

Check out our case studies to dig in deeper! Or give us a call to speak with a Holganix representative! 


Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jun 24, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, holganix reviews

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