Less Irrigation? Faster Turf Recovery? Meet Garden City Country Club!

“We spoke with local superintendents using Holganix Bio 800+ Golf on their courses and they only had great things to say,” explains Russ MacPhail. “That’s why we decided to utilize Holganix 800+ Golf at Garden City Country Club.”

Garden City Country Club is a private club located in Garden City, New York. Built in 1916, the championship 18-hole golf course was designed by the famous American golfer and architect, Walter Travis.

As the superintendent, Russ is charged with nurturing the turf while staying true to Travis’ original designs.

Russ started using Holganix Bio 800+ Golf in May of 2013 on his greens. After two to three applications of Holganix Bio 800+ Golf, Russ noticed he needed less irrigation and that the turf was recovering faster after being stressed out by tournaments.

holganix golf

Russ was seeing great results because with Holganix Bio 800+ Golf, he was caring for both the turf foliage and the roots. By building a robust root system, the turf is stronger and can withstand stresses like weather and traffic.

“We’ve seen improved root density and root depth,” states Russ as he shows off a picture of roots with minimal thatch. The picture was taken in November.

holganix golf

“In years past we might have only had an inch or so in roots. But, with Holganix Bio 800+ Golf, we’ve had great roots even at the end of the season.”

The increased health in roots also helps Russ increase playability because the playing surface becomes firmer.


Want to learn more about Russ’ experiences with Holganix 800+ Golf?

Check out our webinar recording featuring an interview between Russ MacPhail.


What's in a jug of holganix bio 800+?

Holganix Bio 800+ is filled to the brim with beneficial soil microorganisms, microbe food and nutrient enhancers to build HEALTHIER plants that need less fertilizer and pesticides.

While the Holganix ingredient list doesn't contain the entire secret recipe (it's a secret after all!), download the below white paper to learn:

1. Our key ingredients including the names of several types of soil microbes present in our formula

2. What those ingredients do for your turf and plants

Download The Holganix Bio 800+ Ingredient List

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jul 15, 2016 10:30:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: sports turf, holganix reviews, golf course

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