The Proof is in the Green - By Brian Smyth, Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply

We are extremely grateful to Brian Smyth, Branch Manager from Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply for writing the below story featuring a Holganix success story in Oklahoma.


The Proof is in the Green

By Brian Smyth

Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply Branch Manager

Norman, OK


I had a customer come to me a couple of months ago with a dilemma. They were installing a sprinkler system at a car dealership and the opening day was quickly approaching and they had an area of sod right up next to the show room windows where they plan to park cars that are to be on display. They decided to use sub surface drip to irrigate the grass so as to not spray the windows or cars but were concerned how the grass was going to grow and be healthy on a compacted sand base.

I suggested Holganix Lawn.

There were two areas of sod laid, by the showroom and the opposite end of the parking lot. They used Holganix on the area by the showroom, but did not use Holganix on the other.

As you can see in the pictures, it is obvious which area had a Holganix application and which one did not.

Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 10.34.05 AM.png  Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 10.34.17 AM.png

The sod was laid about a month ago with Holganix applied 2 weeks later and the pictures taken 2 weeks after that. We could not pull back the sod where Holganix was applied as the roots were already established, but we could pull it up in the other area. The customer could not be happier. 

Based on this success, he is looking at using Holganix Lawn in their holding nursery at their shop.

I told this story to another customer that was installing irrigation and landscaping on a new hotel and he plans on using Holganix Lawn on the newly laid sod as well.

I have follow-up meetings with both customers and our Holganix rep Shane Dougherty next month to discuss these 2 jobs, their successes and possibly adding Holganix to both of their spraying programs.


What's in the Holganix Bio 800+ jug?  Check out our ingredient list!

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Nov 1, 2016 10:37:48 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care, holganix reviews

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