Enhanced Plant health and Abundant Harvest at Beam Berry Patch


Located in Western North Carolina, Beam Berry Patch is a family-owned and operated commercial blackberry farm. The farm grows 18 acres of blackberries and 10 acres of trees. With over 15+ years of experience working for a fruit company, Josh Beam, the owner of Beam Berry Patch, started growing blackberries on his farm in 2015. 

Josh is always looking for ways to help his plants thrive, and he came across HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub on a Corn Warriors program on RFD-TV. In his effort to build soil health, biological products like the HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub were a good fit. According to Josh, “I am very pleased with the results I have seen on my blackberries.”  

After conducting a side-by-side comparison, Josh reports that his HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub treated berries were “21% heavier and had an 11% higher brix index”. He also reports seeing fewer instances of disease, among other benefits. 

In our interview with Josh, we explore the following topics numbered below. Click the link to skip to the topic of your choice or continue scrolling to read the full interview: 

  1. Experimental trial with HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub? 
  2. What results have you seen with HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub? 
  3. How does HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub work? 


Experimental Trial with HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub 

The experiment Joshran included three variables on blackberries: (1) 1.5 gallons per acre rate of Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub (full rate), (2) 0.75 gallons per acre rate of Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub (half-rate), and (3) control. 

Capture 1: Blackberries - HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub Treated versus Control 


Credits: The pictures shown above were taken by the grower on August 10, 2022.  

In April, the blackberries shown in the top picture were treated with 1.5 gallons per acre of HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub through drip irrigation, followed by 1 gallon per acre applications in May, June, and July. The berries shown in the middle picture were treated with 0.75 gallons per acre of HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub through drip irrigation. This was followed by 0.5 gallons per acre applications in May, June, and July.  


What Results Have You Seen with hGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub?

According to Josh, “the blackberry bushes treated with the Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub look much healthier in comparison to the control.” In addition, Bio 800+ treated bushes have fewer leaf issues and less disease pressure. Another noticeable difference that the grower saw between the treated and the untreated blackberries includes the amount of fruit harvested. “This is our first year using Bio 800+ and we have noticed an increase in yield. Needless to say, the Bio 800+ treated blackberry bushes produced more bountiful fruits than the control,” explains Josh. Over the course of 4 pickings, a week apart, the Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub treated berries were 21% heavier and had 11% higher Brix. 

Capture 2: Blackberries - HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub Treated versus Control 

berry shrubs

Credits: The pictures shown above were taken by the grower on August 10, 2022. 


How does hGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub Work?

Bio 800 Tree and Shrub

“Most problems facing your plants begin with poor soil, void of the life found in a natural forest environment,” states Dr. Robert Neidermyer, Holganix Direct of Plant and Soil Science.

“Healthy soils are teeming with beneficial soil microbes that naturally fortify plant strength from stress caused by disease, insects, and drought. Healthy soils also hold water and nutrients longer than poor soils and are porous, allowing plant roots to develop.” 

Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub is focused on building soil health by harnessing the power of over 800 species of soil microbes. Ultimately, using HGX PRO Bio 800+ Tree & Shrub will build stronger plants, develop root architecture, maximize plant color, and offset the need for large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides. 


Dig in Deeper: Results with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture

“If you have healthy soil, you have healthy plants,” explains grower Mark Ringenberg of Ringenberg Nursery. Check out this case study on larger and healthier yield at Ringenberg Nursery here:

Larger & Healthier Yield At Ringenberg Nursery


Looking to learn more? Over the years we have compiled data on several different crops, in different geographic zones, to deepen our understanding of how Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture can help farmers maximize crops. Click the button below to access a sample from our 2017 - 2022 collection.   

Agriculture Data 

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Oct 20, 2022 10:15:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: Holganix tree and shrub, case studies, holganix agriculture, trees and shrubs, Holganix Bio 800

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