Holganix Case Study: Manada Golf Club Sees Improved Rooting & Less Disease

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“Across the board, the color, thickness, and depth of my roots were better when applying HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf. It gave my turf roots a more developed, web-like root system.” Says Barry Ehrhart superintendent of Manada Golf Club in Harrisburg, PA.

In January 2014, Ehrhart and the general manager of the Manada were on a quest to discover a more environmentally sound and sustainable solution for the course. They felt that by incorporating organic golf products into the course’s program, they could advertise to golfers that their course was truly “Green”.

During a winter seminar at Genesis Turfgrass, Ehrhart came across the product HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf. He was instantly intrigued by the sustainability element but was sold on the idea that by developing healthier plants, his course would use fewer pesticides.

When Ehrhart started utilizing HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf, he developed specific case studies to examine the results the product would have on his turf. “I applied Bio 800+ Golf in the worst area of my golf course,” admits Ehrhart. One of those locations was along a golf green that came up to a wooded area on the course. “It was an area with high disease pressure and the roots were maybe a half an inch.”

After three applications of HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf (totaling 35 ounces per 1,000 square feet), Ehrhart examined the turf. Right away he could see that his disease suppression had significantly improved when using HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf in conjunction with fungicides.

When he pulled a core sample to look at the roots, he was similarly blown away. “I had 5-inch roots!”


In the second case study, Ehrhart examined the product's effect on his worst-performing tees. “We did a core sample before applying HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf and there were no roots whatsoever.” Ehrhart then divided his tee into 3 sections: the first featured his HGX Pro 800+ Golf (with synthetic inputs), the center acted as a control with his normal fertility program and the third section featured Holganix granular.

“HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf was the clear winner in terms of performance. The roots on that tee were .5 - .75 inches in length. That’s a big success for me.” Ehrhart also says it helped with disease suppression.




“Ehrhart has used plenty of other products on his hard-hit areas,” says Paul Wickey, Barry’s sales representative from Genesis Turfgrass. “But HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf made a big impact. That’s just a testament to HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf and how well it works on the golf course.”

Overall, playability has increased at Manada due to HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf. “This is especially true in my traditionally, worse performing areas”, says Ehrhart.

He’s also excited to say that he’s achieved his goal of making his course more sustainable. To date, he’s been able to reduce pesticide use by 25% - 30%. 

“Ultimately,” says Ehrhart, “with Holganix products, I’ve accomplished exactly what I set out to do: provide a more sustainable golf course for golfers and boost plant health in remarkable ways.”

want to Dig in Deeper?

Want to learn more about the HGX Pro Bio 800+ Golf product? HGX Pro Bio 800+ products are filled to the brim with beneficial soil microbes that build healthier turf using fewer fertilizers and pesticides.

Download our ingredient list using the link below and be sure to give us a call at 866-56-EARTH to get in touch with one of our representatives!

Download: Holganix Bio 800+ Ingredient List 

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 26, 2017 3:40:20 PM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: sports turf, holganix reviews, golf course

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