Holganix Case Study: Better Yields, 40% Less Fertilizer In Nebraska

holganix case study

"The first year I used Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture, I had to recalibrate my yield monitor. I was that shocked at the results,” explains Tim Varilek, third third-generation farmer out of Southwest Nebraska. Tim is also a farmer dealer of Holganix products in Nebraska. Tim grows corn, beans, edible beans, millet, and some pasture grasses.  

“I tried Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture four years ago because I was looking for something to help cut back on my fertilizer bill,” explains Tim. “Holganix really did an amazing thing that first year. I cut my fertility bill by about 40% and yields have only improved every year.” In addition, Tim reports that root health, corn emergence, and edible bean size have all improved as well. 

Watch Tim’s 1.5-minute testimonial video below. If you’re reading this blog via email, click here to see the video.  


Why use Holganix Bio 800+ products on your farm? 

Our sole mission is soil health. We believe in nourishing farms and fields in a way that returns nature to farmland for better growing today, better profits this season, and a better asset for future generations. 

Our technology, Holganix Bio 800+, harnesses the power of over 800 living species of microbes that promote soil health. With Holganix Bio 800+, farmers have proof they grow larger yields while reducing fertilizer. 

Plus, farmers using Holganix Bio 800+ products see a return on their investment in just one season!  

  • Develop Soil Health 
  • Increase Yield 
  • Reduce Fertilizer by 10-30% 
  • Faster Establishment 
  • Boost Roots; Contributing to Soil Organic Matter 
  • Breakdown Crop Debris 
  • Improve Crop Resilience Against Stress from Tillage, Weather, Fungicides, and Other Stressors

Want to Dig in Deeper? Attend our webinar! 

Are you interested in using Holganix Bio 800+ products but want to hear from actual users of the product first?    

We understand and have arranged a roundtable discussion featuring three Holganix farmer dealers from different geographies, who grow corn and soybeans.    

Attend our upcoming webinar, hosted by Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek, on January 24 @ 11:00 am Eastern. This will be an open Q&A session, so come armed with questions and be ready for our customers' candid responses. 

>>Register: January 24 @ 11:00 Eastern 

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on Jan 18, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: soil microbes, soil, holganix reviews, holganix review, fertilizer, holganix case studies, Soil heath, yield, Holganix Bio 800 Agriculture

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