By Kaitlyn Ersek on May 16, 2019 10:59:00 AM
Across the country, but especially in the midwest, wet conditions are leading to soil compaction problems for farmers and turf professionals. Compaction can always be an issue in poor soil types, but when combined with wet conditions, soils compact more easily, even good soils.
Why Does Soil Compaction Matter?
Healthy soils have pockets of air for microbes and roots to breathe, also allowing plant roots to drive deeper into the soil. Compact and wet soils can lessen the roots’ ability to grow, further, the lack of airflow can make soils go anaerobic.
Anaerobic soils are teeming with anaerobic microbes that need little-to-no air to exist. While some anaerobic microbes can be beneficial or neutral, many can cause diseases. Anaerobic microbes actively kill aerobic microbes (microbes that need air) and can lead to denitrification, or the loss of nitrogen in the soil. Aerobic microbes are responsible for cycling nutrients, protecting roots, and building soil. That means anaerobic soils cause big problems for crop yield and turf color!
>>Learn more about aerobic and anaerobic microbes
How Does Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture Help?
Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture products are teeming with beneficial soil microbes that improve soil health and root development for all plants. For farmers, Bio 800+ improves yield and crop resilience during stressful conditions. For turf professionals, Bio 800+ is a tool to reduce the number of fertilizers and pesticides needed to grow green, thick turf.
But, Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture can also fight the effects of compaction in two key ways:
1. By promoting deeper, more extensive roots that break up compaction layers, allowing air to penetrate deeper into the soil.
2. By adding back the beneficial aerobic microbes to restore healthy soil function.
>>Learn more about how Holganix Bio 800+ products can help improve crop and turf performance
What’s The Dirt On Soil Health?
Digging into Soil Science 101: Beginners Guide to Understanding the Soil Food Web eBook
We know healthy soils are important, especially when faced with the threat of a wet spring. But, how do soils work? And, what does healthy soil look like? Dig deeper into soil science by downloading our FREE eBook by Holganix Director of Soil and Plant Science, Dr. Robert Neidermyer.
Download our eBook to explore:
1. How does the soil food web supports healthy plants
2. The power behind soil microbes and what they do to build resilient plants
3. Soil types and how to improve the health of your soil