3.5 Tools To Push Summer Sales At Your Lawn Care Company

lawn care company marketing

Just because the lawn and landscape world tends to slow down in the summer doesn’t mean your business should. Use the upcoming summer slow season to sell your services to prospects or to upsell current customers. Below is a video note from Barrett on upsell strategies, then check out the 3.5 tools to help you push lawn and landscape sales during the slow summer months.


A note From Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek On Upselling Strategies For The Summer

Barrett's video below dives into strategies that he incorporated in his previous lawn care business during the summer months to meet demands and generate revenue. If you are reading this blog via email, click here for Barrett’s video.


1. How to Grow Your Tree and Shrub Business eBook

Did you know that you can expect 10-to-30% of your current customers to sign up for tree and shrub applications? For those offering or thinking of offering tree and shrub services, this is the eBook for you. In the eBook you’ll learn:

1. How to market your tree and shrub business to current customers… including access to several marketing tools we have developed to help you get started

2. How to price out tree and shrub applications

3. What materials you will need to get started

>>Download Your eBook Here


2. Flower Marketing Box

Marketing your current flower care program (or adding one if it is not a current service) can serve as an excellent source of high-margin, additional revenue from current customers. Early summer is a great time to offer any type of plant health care services (whether they be tree and shrub or flower focused) because the rising temperatures combined with rain provide a breeding ground for insects and disease. Download your Flower Marketing Box and rip off and duplicate the following from us: 

1. Content - Steal our flower information copy to include in letters to current customers, your email newsletter, and/or blog.

2. Social Media - Grab our visual social media posts to help advertise your flower program to fans and followers on social media networks.

3. Video - Include our video on your website, blog, email newsletter, and social media efforts, explaining why flower applications are important to the overall look of a yard.

>>Download Your Marketing Box Here

3. Aeration Marketing Box

If your region tends to conduct aeration and overseeding services in the fall, begin marketing that service to current customers and prospects in the late summer. In the Aeration Marketing Box, you will find several tools to help market your aeration program to current homeowners. Plus, aeration is not only a high-margin revenue stream for your business but also by aerating the turf, you provide a better soil ecosystem for the lawn and that means your homeowners will see better results. What’s in the box?

1. Two aeration postcards

2. Letter to send to current customers touting the benefits of including an aeration service

3. Video to upload onto your website and share in your social media efforts discussing aeration applications

4. Education materials on aeration and Holganix products

>>Download Your Aeration Marketing Box Here

3.5 Summer Weather Marketing Box

We made this tool number 3.5 because it’s not a sales tool, rather it’s a customer service tool. That’s because getting your homeowners prepared for summer weather can be tough, especially since homeowners have high expectations for their landscapes and little knowledge of how to properly care for them. Utilize our Summer Weather Marketing Box to help educate your summer weather landscape care to your homeowners. What’s in the box?

1. Copy to use in a blog post, email newsletter, website, or as a mailer to customers

2. Social Media posts to help spread the word about your summer weather education

>>Download Your Summer Weather Marketing Box

Want to learn more about summer and turf?

Watch our webinar on the 5 Ways To Prepare Turf For Summer Heat. One of the most challenging times to maintain a healthy lawn is during the hot summer months. A combination of scorching heat and lack of rainfall coupled with the need to apply the product without potentially burning turf generates a tasty headache for all lawn and landscape contractors. Watch our webinar to learn 5 tips to help you prepare for the fight against summer!

Watch Our Webinar: Summer Heat

Posted by Kaitlyn Ersek on May 30, 2019 10:50:00 AM

Kaitlyn Ersek

Topics: lawn care

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